Bible Word Search, Volume IX: Christian Hymns
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Bible Word Search
Volume IX: Christian Hymns
Puzzles with Scriptures focus on the:
- Lyrics from Christian Hymns
- 100 puzzles with Scriptures
- 30 words per puzzle
See Table of Contents below.
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Table of Contents
1. Abraham’s Body Was Healed
2. Sarah’s Body Was Healed
3. Abraham Prayed for Abimelech
4. Isaac Prayed, Rebekah’s Womb Was Restored
5. Rachel’s Womb Was Restored
6. Moses’ Leprous Hand Was Healed
7. Jehovah Rapha Promised Good Health in Exodus
8. Mariam Healed From Leprosy
9. Serpent of Brass Used to Heal From Snake Bites
10. God Promised Good Health in Deuteronomy
11. Monah’s Wife’s Womb Restored (Samson’s Mother)
12. Hannah’s Womb Restored (Samuel’s Mother)
13. Jeroboam’s Withered Hand Restored
14. Son of the Widow of Zarephath Brought Back to Life (Elijah)
15. Shunammite Woman’s Womb Restored (Elisha)
16. Shunammite Woman’s Son Raised From the Dead (Elisha)
17. Namaan Cleansed of Leprosy (Elisha)
18. Dead Man Revived in Elisha’s Tomb
19. King Hezekiah Had 15 Years Added to His Life (Isaiah)
20. The Lord Commands the People to Turn
21. King Hezekiah Prayed for Israel’s Healing
22. Job
23. Psalms, Part One
24. Psalms, Part Two
25. Psalms, Part Three
26. Proverbs, Part One
27. Proverbs, Part Two
28. Ecclesiastes – A Time For Everything
29. Isaiah, Part One
30. Isaiah, Part Two
31. Jeremiah, Part One
32. Jeremiah, Part Two
33. Nebuchadnezzar Punished With Insanity, Then Healed
34. The Valley of Dry Bones
35. Hosea
36. Amos, Nahum and Malachi
37. Promises in the Gospels, Part One
38. Promises in the Gospels, Part Two
39. Jesus Taught, Preached and Healed In Synagogues in Galilee
40. Jesus Cured Man With Leprosy
41. Jesus Healed the Roman Centurion’s Servant
42. Jesus Healed Peter’s Mother-In-Law
43. Jesus Healed Many Who Were Sick in the Evening at Peter’s House in Capernaum
44. Jesus Cast Demons Into Herd of Pigs
45. Jesus Forgave and Healed Paralytic Lowered Through the Roof
46. Jesus Raised Jarius’ Daughter
47. Jesus Cured Woman With the Issue of Blood
48. Jesus Teaching, Preaching and Healing Every Sickness and Disease
49. Jesus Sent the Twelve Disciples to Preach and Heal
50. Jesus Healed Many – Answered John the Baptist’s Disciples
51. Jesus Healed Man With Withered Hand
52. Jesus Healed Many By the Sea
53. Jesus Healed the Blind and Mute Demonic
54. Jesus Did Few Miracles Because of Their Unbelief
55. Jesus Healed Sick Before Feeding 5,000
56. Jesus Healed Many at Gennesaret
57. Jesus Healed the Canaanite Woman’s Demon-Possessed Daughter
58. Jesus Healed Blind, Deaf and Mute
59. Jesus Healed Father and Boy with Seizures
60. Jesus Restored Sight to Blind Bartimaeus
61. Jesus Drove Evil Spirit from Mad Man in Synagogue
62. Jesus Appointed Twelve
63. Jesus Restored Sight to Blind Man at Bethsaida
64. Seven Demons Driven from Mary Magdalene
65. Disciples Preached and Worked Signs After Jesus’ Ascension
66. Elisabeth’s Womb Restored, Part 1
67. Elisabeth’s Womb Restored, Part 2: John the Baptist Was Born
68. Jesus Sent Out the Seventy-Two
69. Jesus Healed Women Crippled for 18 Years (On the Sabbath)
70. Jesus Healed Man With Dropsy (On the Sabbath)
71. Jesus Healed Ten Men With Leprosy
72. Jesus Restored Malchus’ Ear at Gethsemane
73. Jesus Healed Royal Official’s Son
74. Jesus Healed the Invalid at Pool of Bethesda (Bethsaida)
75. Jesus Healed Man Born Blind
76. Jesus Raised Lazarus From the Dead
77. Healing Promises in Romans
78. Spiritual Gifts in Corinthians
79. Healings Promises in James, Peter and III John
80. Man at the Gate of Beautiful Healed (Peter and John)
81. Apostles Stretched Forth Their Hands to Heal
82. Apostles Did Signs and Wonders, People Healed Who Fell Under Peter’s Shadow
83. Great Wonders and Miracles Through Stephen
84. Philip’s Mission Included Healing
85. Ananias Laid Hands on Saul (Paul), His Sight Restored
86. Aeneas Healed of Palsy (Paralysis) (Peter)
87. Tabitha (Dorcas) Raised from Death to Life (Peter)
88. Peter Spoke of Jesus Healing All Those Possessed of the Devil
89. God Confirmed His Word Through Signs and Wonders by Paul and Barnabas
90. Paul and Barnabas at Lystra – Crippled Man Healed
91. Evil Spirit Driven from Damsel (Paul)
92. Paul Ministered at Ephesus and Sent Handkerchiefs to Give Healing
93. Sons of Sceva Failed to Drive Out Evil Spirit
94. Eutychus Raised Back to Life (Paul)
95. Paul was Healed (or Raised from the Dead) – and Exhibits Immunity to Viper’s Bite
96. Publius’ Father, People at Malta, Others Healed (Paul)
97. Abraham and Sarah’s Bodies Restored Through Faith
98. Barren Women & Miraculous Births
99. People Raised From the Dead
100. Jesus Resurrected – Ascended to Heaven
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